i am scratching my yeddu
yes, i am scared of dogs, specially growling howling kind
the barking kinds are ok i think
anything wrong with me ?
i'm scared to death actually
KOZHIKUMUTHI is one of the cleanest tribal villages i have seen,
near Vargaliyar forest.
nice people
but the dogs are not very nice
they don't like stangers and they don't like me.
i have been there many times, these are the pictures of my last two visits, a couple of them are already posted in some older post. i like going there and meet the tribals, feel miserable that i can't do anything for them. The only thing i can do is sit and spend some time with them. Take pictures and all.
They don't want money or comforts, they just want to be respected. They are untouchables. So i remove my shoes and enter their houses which are made of bamboo.
Removing your shoes is a mark of respect.
i sit and eat their food in their vessels which is a big thing for them
From the illeterate, untouchable tribals to high cast scientists to the President of India, one thing is common.
they are all crazy about our insipid Indian movies.
You can see their dreams pasted on their bamboo walls.
This is Priya
Pretty isn't she ?
i met her there during my earlier visit.
She was scared of me
i look like a gorilla
it took time, and a couple of biscuit packets to get friendly with her
i took her pictures while he mom was making black tea for me, badly needed a cup of tea after a very long and tiring trek.
there she is, playing.
as i was leavingthe village, a pack of dogs surrounded me, barking, some of them growling
this is the time when commonsense takes leave of me.
i can't walk
i can't run,
and i can't just stand there
i stopped breathing
the dogs were advancing towards me.
can't even look at the sky can't look at the ground
i am stuck and scared to death.
mind completely blank
a sort of nirvana
too scared to take care of my itchy nose
ah here she comes to my rescue
not even 20 inches high, our little Priya
She came and stood like a wall between me and the growling dogs. Protecting me, her little arms streched.
i think even God did not give me this kind of security.
she was my Angel now.
i was too scared to be ashamed of anything
she said HOOSH to the growling dogs
the dogs Hooshed
all but one, who continued howling at me
She said HOOSH to him as well
And he hooshed too
she took my hand and took me to the stream
now i did not bother about the dogs following us
i was safe with her
we crossed the stream together
she tilted her little head and said 'PO'
'po' is go in Tamil
too scared to turn and wave at her.
not even a thank you.
i walked into the forest.