29 January 2011



When she has to pay 100 rupees for onions, she is not going to smile any more. With oil prices gone up, the cost of all the essential commodities have gone soaring high.
Who has wiped the smile from her face ?
President Barack Obama.
He does not deserve an inch of the Nobel prize that was thrust on him without any significant achievement in any field.
This is a very strange case.
This perhaps was the first time that the world accepted one person as a world leader.
He became a symbol of hope over night.
There were many expectations of him.
Perhaps that is why he was awarded a Nobel Prize expecting him to bring peace in the world and close the ever growing gap between the rich and the poor which has gone to staggering levels now.
i understand this is not easy. This can't be done in a short period.
No steps were taken in two years of Presidency
First thing he was expected to do was to lower or control the oil prices, which are connected to almost everything. He couldn't control the inflation.

Please remember these are the views of an outsider, i am not an American. He must have done a few good things for the US citizens, i am not concerned about that. i am talking about President Obama as a world leader.

START did not make him a world leader either.
START is a joke. Russia is ruled by a bunch of thugs. You can't have a treaty with them. 2000 nukes and just  two nukes make no difference at all. Reduction is not a solution. And you can't control China's nukes. There is no point in START with any one. It was a waste of time and money.

Reduction in oil prices, controlling the inflation and bringing an end to the war will make him a world leader. He has less than two years to become one. He is running out of time. Unfortunately he is turning out to be just another Corporate stooge like the Presidents of past few decades.


i am angry and i have a right to be angry.  Farmer's suicides, ever growing poverty, suffering and deaths due to starvation is a direct result of US policies and corporate control. Indian government also is a partner in crime. What ever happens within the US affects rest of the world. American citizens are 5% of the world population but using up 30% of the world resources. Laziness, wastage, comforts and luxury of a few is affecting rest of the world. Perhaps American citizens can afford the comforts, luxury and wastage, perhaps they can afford the oil price hike, but rest of the world can't. People are dying.
Looks like the Americans are not aware of  'rest of the world'

This is the chart showing use of oil by country, per day. Figures of 2007



So what the Nobel prize winning President is doing to bring down the misery of  'rest of the world' ?
Nothing so far.
Well, he can say that i am just a President of one country, 'rest of the world' is not my responsibility.
but you can do something to help the poor to afford one square meal a day.
please be less dependent on oil
please use public transport, if you don't have,  you can demand public transport in your area
Please avoid flying within the country, demand re establishment of already established network of trains.
fast inter city trains
i'll write about wastage in flying, this post is getting too long.
all my love