1 April 2006


This has been a mystry to me. I see a cow and an egret in the fields, one cow one egret. not two cows one egret or two egrets one cow, always one to one. There must be some understanding.
some friendship developing. I have seen them paying attention to each other like they are communicating. Please help me to understand as I have no knowledge about this, I sincerely feel that they communicate. I was never able to take their pictures together as I'll be in a bus or a train.

Hey listen to me I'll tell you a secret, over the hills I have seen, the grass is greener there, just look at you with all the ropes running through your nose must be a great discomfort to you, these humans are taking you for a ride, they are drinking your milk and what do you get in return ? nothing. Lets run to your freedom, look at me I am a free bird.
But you don't give milk, the cow says
You know a cow is not the smartest of all the animals, they hardly cross high school and they are not good singers, you don't find them giving a concert or recording a song.

This is taking the friendship a bit too far.
Hey Hey listen, just have courage, lets run, your master is giving you nothing, don't trust these humans, once you stop giving milk he's gonna sell you to a butcher, they are heartless.

Hey you, I am talking to you, pay attention. All you think of is your food, ever thought of having some fun ?
poor thing, you never have any fun do ya ?
Hey Hey ! is it getting across ?
Are you listening ?
Am I wasting my time ?
Look at me, I am having fun flying all the time. Just listen, lets run.

Blunt Knife
Photography and Travel Blog


e2d said...

Absolutely delightful Rauf!

Now I want to be that egret talking about freedom to all my friends(and all my friends would probably go..HolyCow!what the hell happened to u man!!).Hey I can feel a tingling near my shoulders--think I am developing wings!OMG my wish is coming true!
:)--just being goofy rauf.

Super post..loved it!

Jim said...

enjoyed the captions very much. it is weird, bird and cow, buddies, like from way back, joking around. LOL.

Hayden said...

wonderful, heartwarming pics. Inter-species friendships aren't uncommon both among people's domestic pets and in the wild. The strangest I've ever seen was reporting last year on a lioness who had "adopted" an ophaned antelope fawn. The fawn died a few weeks later - the lioness was sighted several times alone - then 'protecting' a new fawn. This one wasn't an orphan, and her own mom was following them and having fits. Mama lioness allowed her to sometimes approach and feed the fawn. I have no idea how this all worked out.

Maybe its simply innovation, maybe the lioness has decided to become a shepard and raise her own dinner - like the first human to domesticate a cow!

rauf said...

I am out of town for a few days on work I'll get back on 7th and respond to all the comments. Thanks - Rauf

Leila said...

I think it's symbiosis - like some birds and big animals do here. The bird will pick the ticks/fleas off the cow (sometimes they eat them, and in return, the cow will protect the bird. So everyone is happy.

Leila said...

Pretty amazing though, huh?

sundarsonal said...

when i was small my favourite stray dog (Hello) and a cat i didnt like too much would sit every morning noses touching in the middle of the lane. bizarre.

Cari said...


Always there to give me a smile. :)

The cow looks dazed & confused.

Davoh said...

Nah, just 'interdependence'.

Hayden said...

Davo! Interdependance isn't enough! You must say more.....

Anonymous said...

Poms, had learnt about this in my 6th grade or something. About symbiotic relationships, and this was one of the examples given. Leila is right, it's more of a mutualistic relationship, where both benefit outta it. Have a nice trip Poms, and don't go seeking for trouble :D

rauf said...

Well said e2dees, take off. We are no different from this cow. With all the ropes around our necks and running thru our noses. These are the ropes of the philosophies that we follow and ropes the society ties around us, without which we become a threat to the society. We are not allowed any freedom of thought e2dees.

rauf said...

Jim, I apologise for the late response, I was away for a few days. There is one factual error in my post and I have to apologise for that too. A couple of days ago while traveling in a bus I saw 4 egrets and one cow. They have some friendship going.

rauf said...

Its sad Lorraine, for various reasons. In India a cow is worshipped as a god, but you'll never find cows in worse condition
in any country other than India. they are treated very badly. Bulls are used for pulling the carts and the plow till the last minute of their lives. It may break your heart Lorrain, a couple of years ago a cow was found dead on the road, when cut open they found the stomach full of plastic as it had nothing else to eat. Stray cows eat cinema posters on the walls

rauf said...

Hayden. yes its strange. Such things happen defying normal behaviour. In Ranganthittu near Mysore I found different species of birds nesting on the same tree. they live in harmony. We don't seem to learn from it.

We too have ropes around our necks like the cow. The influence of an egrets like you Hayden is most feared by the society. If you tell the cows to break free and enjoy the freedom of thought, you become a threat.

rauf said...

Yes Laila, pretty amazing. Helping each other I suppose. You are right. Apart from that I have tried to draw the reader's attention to various issues here Laila.

rauf said...

Hi Sonal, Long time, Strange things happen in the cities. odd behaviour is not uncommon, perhaps a twist in the process of evolution ? One sparrow just forgot or did not learn how to weave a nest. all the eggs fell down and got damaged. this happened a few years ago in my house. Sparrow's been using the roof beam since my childhood. not all are equally intelligent. Like us humans some turn out to be dumb.

rauf said...

Cari, all of us are confused. Please stay away from people who are too sure of themselves, who claim to know everything and who say 'this is it'

rauf said...

Yes Devo, Apart from inter dependence which exist amoung different species,a big subject, something out of ordinary happens too. Like Sonal Said, please read her comment.

rauf said...

Lord booeey ! Whattoo ? Yupsee I had good time but got into a trouble too, out of my stupidity, its in my present post. You know what a moron I am.

rauf said...

Mudassar, I have not heard about the movie, been out of touch, what is it about ? Now I am interested. I'll try to get a DVD.

rauf said...

The title sounds interesting Mudassar. I'll get it.

Anonymous said...

rauf, the number of birds is limited by the food supply - in this case the parasites on the cow. so the more ticks, fleas, etc mean more friends!

rauf said...

i thought they wait for cow's droppings Chinna. there must be something more to it.