i am not being modest, by now all of you know that my English is rotten. i pour my heart out without caring a hoot for the queen's language, i just want to be understood.Humongous, is a word i picked up from gorgeous Sonal's blog some months ago.i lost my sleep.i wanted to use this word some where.i had to use this wordThere was a burning desire to slap this word on some oneBeing very lazy i very seldom look into the dictionaryi just had an idea what the word should mean in the context.But a picture of huge reddish yellow mango always appeared on my mind when ever i thought of this word which i kept repeating to myselfHumongous Humongous Humongous Mangos mangos mangos Humongous mangos and i get very hungry, its like some one humongus sitting in me eating everything i eat. it had to come outi recently missed a chance of using the word when i picked up my cousin from the airport, she was already in a state of panic, i didn't want to knock her down with a shocking word, and i had to be very gentle.
the word did not fit the suitcases any way.The suitcases were bigger than the word.Oh my gawd !! you are carrying such humongous suitcases !!Mangos ? i am not carrying any mangos, why should i bring mangos to India ? Are you mad ?i visualised Humongous mangos bursting out of the Humongous suitcases rolling all over the airport. disrupting landings and take offsi was obsessed with the word humongous by then.i don't have anything humongous on me, everything is small and compact. i travel light. my wrist watch is big because i am half blind. but not humongous, what if i tie a wall clock to my wrist ?would i be a humongous idiot ?6 in the morning now and i am leaving for Bangalore tonight and going to Coorg and then to Silent valley from there.i want to board the train with relief. The humongous in me has to come out, i want to take the load off my chest. i am determined to use this word today on some one. Who ever knocks my door first, gets it.What a Humongous head you have ?Mango ? no saar i use vonly pyoore coe-a-kkannat oyeel saar on my yeddu (i use only pure coconut oil for my head)You have a humongous coconut on your shoulders then.Aiyoo Mangoaaa ?? mango juice on my yeddaa ?? No no Saar vonly pyoore coe a-konnet oyeel saar.
Posting this picture for Sandy, This is humongous Jack fruit, tropical, very sweet and juicy, yellow inside, lots of compartments of individual fruits with seed, sticky surrounding which can be easily removed. My mom used to make curry out of jack fruit seeds. The fruit is so tasty that its hard to stop with one.
Posting this for Angeldust. This is a cut jackfruit, it has many fruits with seeds, juicy very sweet.i'll have one today Angel.
i have added two new blogs, just pictures, PORTRAITS and PASSION GREEN, you'll find the links on the side bar. i was sitting on these pelicans for a long time. i thought i had already posted them and was searching for a post on the pelicans, did not find any. So here we are. i am not going to write about pelicans because i do not know anything about them. The only thing i know about them is that they fly.i sit and watch them for hours, funny chapees they are.
Hello ! What do we have here ?Guruji and his disciples, one chap is clearly not interested in the philosophy.Dicipline my boys ! Dicipline and meditation is the only way to Nirvanaaaa !!!Do we get fish there ?eh ?fish ? what fish ?fish fish, Nirvana fish
ah ! Rise above the petty fish, Rise above the petty desires, rise to a higher level of
consciousness my boys !Yoopee !!what ?If we rise above the petty fishyes yesif we rise above the petty desiresyes yes, go on.....go on if we rise to a higher level of consciousness
YASE YASE ! You are almost there my boys !!if we rise to a higher level of consciousness,Do we get bigger fish ?eh ?BOINK !!
I give up ! Naughty boys !Yippee I'm going to get myself a fish
Imagine we humans had a sac like that under our jaws.The cops would tell you to open your mouth at the AirportsOpen your mouth Say AAAAHAAAAHlight please, they'll throw light inside the mouthyou can go.Next please

Hey hey where are you going, stop that guyHey open your mouth, what are hiding there ?blib blib lutthingopen your mouthAhhhh ! diamonds ?Hey he is hiding diamonds in small plastic bagsBLOOOK BLLOOOOKBring more lightOpen your mouthahhhhhhOh my god ! what happened to the diamonds ?I just saw He must have swallowed them
Now boss would be following him, the accomplice and the owner of the diamondsGo to the toiletwhat for ?i want my diamonds you idiot !ah !go to the toiletdon't feel like it bosswhat ?i am constipated boss
eat bananaswhat ?12 bananas twelve bananas ? i hate bananasif you don't eat bananas i'll kill you and cut you open and take my diamonds out, go to the toiletyes boss yes bosswhat ? why are you following me ?i want my diamondsi want to do it aloneok, but for god's sake don't flush the toiletknock knock is it over ?not yettry harder,yes boss if you come out without my diamonds i'll make you eat twenty bananas this time.aaaah ! got it Bossgood newsi want my moneywhat ?i am going to flush the toilet now, i want my passport and my flight ticket, slip it under the door
yea i'll give it to you but please don't flush the toiletAh what a relief ! the door openswhere are my diamonds ?its all in therewhere ?in the toilet bossget themyou are the owner, you put your hand and get them, everything in there is yours boss ! and they are not smelling too good, I am taking the next flight. tata !

This is sunita, she talks to me like she is my grand mother. She says these birds normally come in huge numbers now they are comming in small groups, they seem to be confused. You know the reason. Their timing has completely gone haywire. they hatch and they can't wait for the chicks to learn to fly. It gets too hot for them, so many chicks die.

Hellew ! Are you going to Office ?
What ?
This man is going to office
Well ! David Cameron goes to his office on his bicycle. His shoes, a change of dress, brief case and files go in a car. Security guys in a couple of cars following him. Let 20 cars follow him, what i really appreciate is that he is making a point. He is young. Hope the leaders of other countries follow him.

He's going for work, Deep in thought, no traffic here to bother him.
This is bad, i am sitting in a very ECO UN-FRIENDLY bus
BAM BAM BAM This poor couple is pushed off the road, i think the lady is carrying an infant.
In my opinion, all the eco friendly modes of transport should be given right of way. They should have the road to themselves.
This is one of the reasons why i call the environment series SPEED. Speed is taking us towards extinction. We have to slow down. This can happen only if eco friendly modes of transport is given Priority. Driving hybrids is no answer.

Last year when i visited Rajasthan i was very reluctant to take a cycle rickshaw, prefered Smoky and polluting autos. Then i realised how wrong i was. I am contributing to their livelihood and then these rickshaws are eco friendly, cheaper, but i end up paying double than what they demand and i always have my lunch or tea with them. i get to hear their philosophy on the way, i have to tell them about my city, they always ask, they talk about politics but mostly they talk about movie stars. i have only only sweet and pleasant experiences with them.

Old man looks very slim and healthy. Hello Sir, Look where you are going. This is the best way to stay healthy. Eco friendly, and it burns your energy. You stay fit and alert with very sharp reflexes all your life. There is a lot of difference between this cycling and the static cycling you do at home. The bottoms spread with static cycling.
Here comes a man with a full load of onions
How do I know that he is carrying onions ?
I know because i was stupid enough to stop the poor guy, and he showed me.
Do you want to take more pictures Sir ? Sideways perhaps, me crossing the frame ?
Well, every one has ideas about making a movie, actually he was describing a perfect shot. Uneducated but with good imagination.
no no no, He went along with his idea and took a u turn and came back, allowing me to take one more picture. He was directing me.He was acting and directing like clint Eastwood.
Thank you i said, felt sorry for stopping him and wasting his time.i should have bought some onions.
What will i do with onions in my camera bag ? 
Just look at this ! The following pictures

Wisdom and intelligence is not bestowed upon a chosen few. i was wondering what he was selling. not good to stop him and waste his time, unless i intend to buy what he is selling, poor chap. What if he is selling crabs ? they will cut everything in my bag. i couldn't figure out what he was selling. got any ideas ?

little adjustment on the load, wind is on his side helping him.

This boy is carrying his workshop. He would stop at a right place and set it up. Business as usual.

This man is carrying glue in the bucket and posters at the back, his job is to stick posters. Reminds me of Vittorio DeSica's film ' bicycle thiefs ' Such a beautiful movie.

Selling coconut water at a railway station, yes this is a railway station.

'To buy or not to buy' that is the questioni bought a few from this gentleman, i love goa fruits.This is Hyderabad, you can see Chaar Minaar in the background.

Eco friendly business on the cycle carts in Ujjain.

Chaotic ? Well ! This is Jaipur, imagine the amount of fuel these people are saving.

You don't have to buy an elephant, then you have to buy a car and get four jobs a day to feed the elephant. just a simple bike would do.
Oh! happy he is, This is the way i learnt, my feet could hardly reach the pedals. Parents can't afford to buy their kids small bikes to learn. Well ! you can't stop them. they will learn somehow.
Major religions have nothing to say on our environment, we have discussed this issue already in the environment series.
Priests of all religions could bring about a change of attitude much faster, but they are not doing it. They will never say, please don't bring your cars to the church or mosques or temples please come on your bikes. It will work if they insist. Chopping a tree or polluting the atmosphere is not a sin according to them.
Very Stylish isn't she ? this is Fort Cochin.
Not so stylish but the cycle is taking him where he wants to go.
You cannot fit an air conditioner here but you can fit a 2000 watts stereo, You have to stop the music if the bulls don't agree with your taste.
I think Camels would love Jazz, traditional Jazz in particular.
How do we slow down ? Demand for SPEED is increasing every day.
We want to go faster and faster.
If you have patience, you are called dumb or a loser.
you have to stay in the rat race and go faster even if you have all the patience in the world.
We are not supposed to travel faster than the speed of a camel. Our body cannot take it. It takes 36 days for the body to come back to normal state of functioning after a jet lag.
We are torturing ourselves besides draining our resources faster.

These people are not aware of global warming. They are not draining the earth's resources. They will be punished along with rest of us for no fault of theirs.

she will ask God
What have we done to deserve this punishment ?
They will be the innocent victims of our blunders.
Our future generations will hold us responsible for not taking any steps. i still maintain that the earth has the capacity to heal itself. Earth is not in danger. We are. We have to slow down for the sake of our future generations. It requires a change of attitude. A change of heart.
Blunt knifePortraitsPassion Green