Raining hard
Roof is leaking everywhere
drops falling on the ceiling fan
spraying water all over
tup tup tup music of the leak
Electricity playing hide and seek
This is not Hiku
This is happening to me
I am not a poet.
The title of this post is genetic engineering and I am talking about my leaking roof.
Ah! here's a story for you
what ?
The lady turns around and finds no one
she is in a shopping mall picking up apples, she is alone.
Hi, would you please take me home'
Who is this ? The lady is scared now
The voice seems to come from the stack of apples.
A salesman rushes to her
May I help you m'aam ?
I heard some voices here but there's no one around
' Would you please take me home ?
'Hey shut up! says the salesman, Oh ! these are GM (Genetically modified) apples m'aam these apples have human genes in them, some of them talk
'Wow a talking apple ?
'Yes maam'
Now she can spot the talking apple.
Would you please take us home ?
yes dear sure I will
would you please pick up the apples with yellow patch
Why yellow patch ?
We are all Catholic apples, do you believe in God ?
Oh! Oh yes yes I dooo !!
If you eat us you'll go to heaven
What ? No way ! I have no plans to go to heaven, not in another fifty years, Oh dear ! I'll take the green ones then
the green ones are terrorist apples, they cause constipation and embarassing explosions in your stomach
Hey shut up ! says the salesman 'Not all green apples are terrorists m'aam You can try these M'aam, very high protein content with pig's genes in them
Sorry I am Jewish!
A lady crosses them with yellow apples in both her hands
are they good ?
Oh yes the 2nd lady says, this is my second buy, amazing they are, now my entire family can dance and we have started speaking flawless spanish.
I'd rather have french, I always wanted to speak french, the first lady says ' do you have them ?
Yes we have them but, we made a mistake of putting french genes apples with the english ones they started hitting each other All we have is pulp and a few damaged ones.
Valentine apples ? what are these ?
We are withdrawing them m'aam
why, what's wrong with these ?
There were some side effects
side effects ? like what ? what side effects ?
One man ate them and climbed on to President Hillary Clinton's balcony in Park Ridge and started singing a love song in the middle of the night.
old man ?
yes 95, Other one started stalking Alison Krauss,
how old was he ?
Eighty ?
No Eight, both are in police custody m'aam. We are sending these apples back to the lab, we'll re introduce them with reduced romantic content,
in another incident a man eloped with a female gorilla from the zoo, cops are still looking for him.
What ? 200 dollars for an apple ? what AARE these ?
These are zen apples m'aam
why are they so expensive ?
You get wisdom eating them M'aam, we are withdrawing these too
why ? whats wrong with them ?
People got too wise, right here in this mall four guys ate them, they did not pay, they robbed us instead and robbed the bank opposite. they are still at large.,
Just got a call from our Seattle outlet m'aam, there has been an accident, we got orders to withdraw them immediately.
What happened ?
A man ate zen apple, sought enlightenment, went out,
it was raining like always in Seattle, he stretched his arms out towards the sky and screamed 'enlighten me'
So ?
He lit up, he got enlightened alright
Then ?
Lightning struck him.
was he an American ?
No m'aam he was a Mexican
there you are! bad english got him ! he sought enlightningment perhaps.
Will you reintroduce these apples with reduced wisdom ?
No M'aam, They will no longer be available, government does not want people to get too wise, They will be made available only to our elected politicians to get better ideas of robbing you M'aam.
Oh! such a huge pile of crates, what are these ?
They are still under experiment M'aam, they are Ashcroft apples, we are going to try them on the prisoners.
Thats very sad, why prisoners ?
On the contrary m'aam, Ashcroft apples makes them saints, when they come out of prison they will be law abiding citizens. And if successful, those will be the only apples available in future all over the country. All Americans citizens will become saints. Our aim is to control the society with the help of genetically modified food, no crimes, every one minds his own business no anti war protests, and we can invade any country we want.
EOS - End of Story
Pollution or Global warming doesn't scare me
the following two statements scare me to death.
"Under current United States government regulations, companies that are doing field-testing of genetically engineered organisms need not inform the public of what genes have been added to the organisms they are testing. They can be declared trade secrets"
"Some of the most powerful multinational chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations have staked their financial futures on genetic engineering. Enormous amounts of money are already involved, and the United States government is currently bullying the rest of the world into rapid acceptance of corporate demands concerning genetic engineering research and marketing"
The tomato that you are eating is an animal. The reports about human and animal genes introduced in vegetables and fruits are true
Asians and Africans have already become guinea pigs for developed countries as GM foods were tried on us, We have already eaten them.
Under trade secrecy law, you will never know what you are eating. You may think you are eating an apple, you may be eating a human or a pig. They are out there already !!
Blunt knife