A new post at Blunt knife, took so long, I am just lazy.
A journey in to yourself is scary, but worth taking, I keep going knowing fully well that I am going nowhere and I have to come back to where I started, back to square one.
Foolish thing to do ?
time wasted ?
Energy wasted ?
You are a lot better than some one who has not moved out of the square one, who is too confident, who knows for sure that its a waste of time and who thinks he has all the answers.
The journey opens the windows
Fresh light, fresh knowledge
and the knowledge makes me aware of my ignorance.
What's the use of the knowledge which makes me aware of my ignorance
I have to know how much I do not know. Its pretty much the whole thing.
I have to keep going,
Yes the journey is worth taking.
No answers. No results.
Lovely radiant flower opening in light.
Blessings on the ongoing journey of knowing and not knowing.
rauf, can u watch a tree grow ? not for ever, but just for a week, but only that.
bachk to square one ... i like rajni to shekwarzeneggar anyday !
why this silly word verification thing ? have u been spammed or know anyone who did ?
My ignorance keeps my feet on the ground
like the governer our Rajni has not gone to Venus or Mars, our friend tosses the cigarette only on this planet.
Not having the patience to watch a tree grow has given us the internet.
word verification, yes there was a lot of spam in the form of comments ranging from road builders, earth movers to university education. Let me remove it for a while and see.
I am removing now, right after I post this comment.
oweee ... no spam on me so far yet ... its quiet a pain. was fooling with my firewall n security options on my comp, its pathetic any joker can walk in n do what they want. i need to learn some jokes.
yes yes ... the internet is great to watch ...
Nice writing, ..... and things to ponder.
Wonderful image you have here. A quality about it that really appeals to the eye!
Thank you Mr. Brown
We all take our individual journey
into oursleves one time or the other.
"I have to know how much I do not know"
Excellent..the joy of being a perpetual beginner!
I am traveling in a train
Where are you goung sir?
No answer
Where are you going madam ?
I am going where this train is going what a stupid question.
End of conversation.
Where are you going ?
I am going to Calcutta
What about you sir
I am going to calcutta too
What do you do ?...
I learn so much talking to the strangers Rob.
u get good biriyani in hyderabad ... if ur train passes thru ... on the way to calcutta !
It doesn't cross Hyderabad Suresh,
and the stuff you get in the stations is pretty bad
i left a rather long comment on your other blog... so i wont repeat myself. lol, i just didnt know which one you frequented more...
Thanks Caralyn, yes I have read that. Still enjoying your page
What is this journey all about, Rauf?
EEEYA ! I made it, I was expecting a comment from you God.
You found me before I could find you., please give me your phone number, I'll arrange a press meet. Lot of people are pissed with you,
me for one. You better be prepared for some nasty questions.
Don't be silly! I haven't got time for you.
God pleeese ! stay on my blog
I want to make others jealous.
No TV cameras no photographers
I promise.
what seems to be the problem in whites road rauf ?
Too much traffic. afraid to cross the road. I used to play on this very road as a kid. Now the road is
busy and my mind is cluttered and confused.
What is God doing ? He is refusing to stay in India. Please remind him that there is a place called Bihar, I think he forgot about it.
the traffic is a tough part, we will deny many playing on the road with vehicles. mind cluttered n confused is easy, cos its your home work. god loves india very much, otherwise why so many branches all over ? bihar is no worry now, bigger problems in america, we all very busy there.
what else rauf ?
What else ? you should know what else, you are god's assistant. You should know what my problem is.
Even God has settled down in america ? hope HE has the green card for operating there.
i know too many things rauf, its confusing for me aswell, its easier if the subject prioritieses (i dont speak english at home) the issues. your problem seems that your problem does not have a silver lining. carefull what u wish for.
god doesnt belong anywhere, he likes pluto the best, sometimes every artist hates his creations.
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